Sunday, October 24, 2010

Superhero Birthday

Just like most boys his age, Stephen loooooves superheroes.  So naturally, he chose to have a super hero party for his 5th birthday.

the invitation
Printing on regular copy paper gave this invitation a more authentic newspaper feel.  Be sure to "age" the page with our photo editing software first though!  Here's a blank version of the Daily Planet for your use.

If you'd like to use the happy birthday comic found on the bottom of this invitation, click here.  I've added it without a name so you can add your own!  Enjoy!

Stephen was so proud of this invitation and his depiction of the Man of Steel.  He studied the original image of Christopher Reeve very carefully before posing.

the cake
Two layered cake, cookie "buildings" and plastic Wolverine claws coming up through the center.

the decorations

 Red, blue and yellow were the colors of the day.  The fun comic terminology made for fun decor as well.  Bam!  Pow!  Zap!  signs hung above the table and made up part of the placemat collection.  Secret identities were safe with the masks and capes that hung from the back of each chair, graciously made by a dear friend of mine.  Superhero themed candy filled the jars on the table.

The food table added to the decor.

the food
Guests enjoyed a Super Hero Sandwich, Fantastic Four Food Groups (cheese, crackers, pepperoni and grape platter), The Penguin's Breakfast (Goldfish crackers), Peanut Butter Bat-wiches (sandwiches cut with a bat shaped cookie cutter), Daredevil-ed Eggs, Green Goblin Guacamole & The Human Torch Spicy Salsa (w/ tortilla chips), Superman's X-Ray Vision Carrots, Capt America's Fruit Kabobs and Catwoman's Claws (Bugles).  I made the food tags shaped like conversation bubbles and taped them to some of Stephen's little superhero figurines.

the favors 
Guests were treated to a Candy Bar as a thank you for joining us.  The "building" in the center is made up of multiple 3" squared boxes.  Each guest filled a box with their favorites from this selection of red, blue and yellow candy.  Not only was it a yummy treat, but added lots to the decor of the party.

the game
As the invitation warns, Dr. Doom did make an appearance at the party!  Luckily we were all armed with our Spidey-Shot!  I bought cans of Silly String at our local Dollar Tree and made custom labels for them.  The kids had the best time chasing Dr. Doom down!

Add Spidey Shot labels to your Silly String!  Image available here.

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Superhero Paintings

Pirates are out, superheroes are in!  Time to update the bedroom decor, I guess.  =)


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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Walt Disney World Themed Party

When planning a trip the Walt Disney World, there are SO many things to discuss, decisions to be made... parties to have. 

Our (first of many, I'm sure) WDW planning dinner was a blast!  Check out our feast.

appetizers and snacks



Don't you just LOVE my food tags?!  Wouldn't you want to use them too?  YOU CAN!  Enjoy!

Download the PDF files here:  WDW Tags 1   WDW Tags 2

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dora the Explorer Birthday

Sami's 2nd cumpleaños was celebrated with a Dora the Explore theme. 

the invitation
I just LOVE this invitation, made by Tiny Prints.

the cake 
Technically, the cupcakes.  It's made from 23 cupcakes (not sure how that 24th went missing *wink).  I LOVE cupcake cakes!  There's no cutting involved and they're so much easier to eat.

the decorations
Lots of pink, yellow and orange were used, as these are the colors of Dora's outfit.  I bought wall scene setters from Party City.  Got some gold star balloons from a local party store and added faces to resemble the estrallas on Dora the Explorer.

The food table added it's own touch to the decorations.

the food

Guests enjoyed a 7 Layer Mexican Dip, Cheese Quesadillas, Mini Beef Tacos, Chicken & Cheese Taquitos, Tortilla Chips (with an assortment of dips), Sweet Tacos (with vanilla yogurt, strawberries, bananas and granola for fillers), Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Tortilla Chips, Mexican Wedding Cookies, Fruit Kabobs and Jello Margaritas.   

To make the Jello Margaritas, I prepared lime jello, and poured it into plastic margarita glasses.  Once firm, I dipped the rim into coarse sugar and added a lime fruit slice to the edge.

the favors
 Each child had a placemat with their name and a photo of Dora on it.  I printed them onto cardstock then covered them in laminate purchased at my local office supply store.

They also got a "backpack" filled with Dora the Explorer goodies.  Rings, candy, toys.  And they each received a maraca.  Each bag also contained a personalized cookie.

I made and frosted sugar cookies then placed edible images on top.  The images were purchased from ediblecakeimages on eBay.

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